Names need to sound natural, need to feel comfortable. Like bad dialogue, if a name doesn't sound right for your character, then the reader will not invest time in reading their story. There are so many elements that a great story can unravel over, but I have a solution for names that will at least get this part down.
They're like free creative stimulants. |
I've been several times: a name like "Rachel" stubbornly sticks in my mind, but I don't feel like the name suits my character; it's a type of writer's block that is at times more frustrating because you're certain you can continue writing the story if only the name were right. This same issue plagued recently, and so I turned through the pages of my commencement program till I found the right first and last name combination I felt comfortable. I came across the last name "Flook" and was immediately drawn: it's unique, easy to rhyme, and completely fit my character in ways I planned to write her. While I'm still not crazy over the first name "Lauren," I'm glad to have found such a suitable last name, one I never would have come across without this handy program.
Inspiration strikes in the most unlikely places, so go forth and find your own tools to help make writing a little easier.